Written and distributed by SENAA International
2324 Georgetown Rd., NW, No. 602, Cleveland, TN 37311-1268
To: The United Nations Commission On Human
The President of the United States,
All Members of the Congress of the United States, and
All Applicable United States Government Agencies
We, the undersigned, address you with a matter of grave concern regarding
unconstitutional laws that have been enacted by the United States of America which condone
and order the practices of human rights violations and planned genocide upon the Dine'h
(Navajo) living at Big Mountain, at Black Mesa, in northeastern Arizona, and regarding the
human rights violations and genocide that are now being perpetrated against these same
Dine'h people.
Because the enactment and implementation of these laws, namely Public Law 93-531; Public
Law 104-301; and The Hopi Navajo Land Dispute Settlement Act of 1996 (Senate Bill S1973);
and specifically PL 93-531, section 10(f), known as the Bennett Freeze, are depriving the
Dine'h of all human, civil, and constitutional rights, including their rights to to life
itself, through deprivation of all means of sustenance, these laws, by their nature, are
unconstitutional and inhumane by every standard, both domestic and International, are not
in the best interest of the Dine'h, and violate every principle that the United Nations
We, the people, indicate by this petition bearing our signatures, including the signatures
on attached pages, that it is the consensus and will of the citizens of the United States
of America and the citizens of all nations that value freedom and human rights that House
Resolution HR-151 be immediately approved by the government of the United States, which
will repeal PL 93-531, section 10 (f), known as the Bennett Freeze; that removal of the
Dine'h to radiation contaminated "new land" immediately stop and those
previously removed be allowed to return to their original homes at Black Mesa with due
compensation; that the February 1, 2000 removal deadline be dismissed; that threats to and
abuse of the Dine'h by all federal agencies, including the BIA and BIA directed Hopi
police, immediately stop; that the laws named in paragraph 2 above be repealed; that all
human, civil, and constitutional rights be returned to the Dine'h people of Black Mesa;
and that the government of the Navajo and Hopi people, which are each sovereign nations,
be returned to the people of those Indigenous American nations without undue interference
from United States federal agencies, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
We, the undersigned, strongly recommend that all applicable United Nations and United
States government agencies give immediate and serious consideration and speedy compliance
to the terms of this petition, which represents the sentiments and consensus of the
citizens of the United States of America, citizens of the world, and all Indigenous
American people.