Veterans Day in LA
by Horace W. Coleman

I presented a floral tribute to the U.S. Vets Residence facility in Inglewood, California on Veterans Day at a breakfast held by U.S. vets. VVAW member Brian Slease and VVA member Matt Davison were also part of the presentation. Local politicians and a representative of Congress Person Maxine Waters were also present, as were a Salvation Army Band and Color Guard of Sea Scouts.

Matt is a long term activist for veterans and works for a social agency in San Pedro, California.. Brian hails from Kent,  Ohio— will  soon be  returning  to Kent — and was  active in  antiwar  and

VVAW sponsored activities when he was in high school. Both are vets.

The U.S. Vets residence facility is the largest in the Los Angeles area that deals with formerly homeless vets in transition.

I started the presentation by saying that the floral tribute was to honor all veterans. The floral tribute had red, white and blue flowers in it.

Brian read a short poem I'd written:

Red, White and Blue on Veterans Day

Red for the tears, blood and lives shed.
White for the light we sought or fled. 
Blue for the dues we paid 
And the clear sky we crave.

Matt said that we should remember all the homeless vets who’d died on the streets of America. (Three homeless females vets who were at the VFW sponsored Stand Down we’d all recently worked at in Gardena, CA had died. since then).

The photo above shows Dwight Radecliff, Site Director of the U.S. Vets facility and the floral tribute at his left.

A number of events were held throughout the LA area (parades, memorials, etc)..
